Video Transcript:
Do you want to explore who you were in a past life?
Are you curious if you’ve had any non-human lives?
Would you like a glimpse at a possible future lives? If so, then a past life reading is right for you.
A past life reading is where I will scan your energies and tune into your past lives. You get a comprehensive glimpse of who you were in past lives and how it affects you in your current life.
The benefits of the past life freely includes knowing how past life is relevant to your current life. It’s also a fun and interesting way to tune into lives that are both human and non-human, and you can learn about different lives in different planets and different galaxies.
Some past lives can include you being an extraterrestrial being, or any other nonphysical. Being. The options to soul chooses which life to live and where to live are endless.
You’ll also learn how old your soul truly is and what kind of lives it has experienced, and find out the reasons why your soul chose its path and how you get to influence its future.
The last benefit is, and the past life reading is getting a glimpse of I possible future lives, as well as aligning your current reincarnation to your soul mission.
Thank you for considering me for your past life reading.