What Are Spirit Guides & How Do You Communicate With Them?

What Are Spirit Guides & How Do You Communicate With Them?



Video Transcription:

Hey everyone. Today’s topic is important and that is what are spirit guides? Who are they? Where do they come from? Are they all in the non-physical? How do you become a spirit guide? And more importantly, how do you communicate with them and work with them? And that’s very important to lot of people. So if you’re interested, then stay tuned.

Welcome back. So what are spirit guides? What are they and who are they? Well, spirit guides are non-physical, spiritual beings that are located in the higher dimensions and densities than we are. For example, humans live in a 3D world, but spirit guides usually roam in a fifth density or a higher dimension all the way up to the 12th density or dimension. Spirit guides can almost be anyone. They can be a deceased loved one, a person from a previous life. You could be an extraterrestrial, an elemental being guardian, angel, or any type of being. They’re usually positive, high dimensional beings. My spirit guides are all extraterrestrials, from whom I’ve had a past life connection with. One of them is also Merlin, and I’ve been with Merlin since his inception as an elemental being 2000 years ago. Next, there are many ways you can communicate with spirit guides.

The first I would recommend is meditation and calm in your mind and asking your spirit guide for a sign. This sign could be an image in your head or a past life memory or anything. Next, I would recommend ask them to put you in a dream state. Yes, they can create a dream for you. Ask them to do that and ask them to identify who they are, why they are a spirit guide, and for any messages that they may have for you. Finally, the third method and one of my favorite methods is by using a pendulum. You can program a pendulum to give you simple yes or no answers. So here’s a pendulum I have. As you can see, it is pretty steady, but I’m gonna about to turn it Clockwise. So you can see it’s turning clockwise right now. And you can say, pendulum speak with my spirit guide. And in a clockwise direction, it’s a yes or no. Now I will stop it and I will turn it the other way and go in the other direction. So I will go counter clockwise, which it’s doing right now. Now as you can see, that could be a yes answer. It could be a no answer, it could be any answer.

And so there are methods. These are the methods I recommend communicating with your spirit guide. And if you’re interested in a channel reading or I speak to your spirit guide, then please book an appointment.