What Are Past Lives And What’s A Past Life Reading?

What Is A Psychic and How Can You Benefit From One?


Video Transcription:

Hey everyone, today’s topic is very important to me because I enjoy talking about it, and that is, what are past lives? How many lives do people usually have, and how much do they go through in the duration of their entirety, of their soul and their soul’s journey? And what kind of past lives have they lived, whether it’s positive or negative. So we’re going to find out more in depth about this. So if you’re interested, then stay tuned.

So today we’re going to talk about past lives. Past lives are accumulation of all, all your lives lived on this planet or others you may have had human past lives, extraterrestrial past lives, a past life as a guardian angel or an elemental being, or any type of other being really. And your soul decides what kind of life to live, whether it’s a positive life or a negative life, or a life with a positive and negative aspects, such as with duality. And some people have hundreds of past lives, and some people like me have thousands of past lives, but that doesn’t include past lives and parallel realities or parallel universes. Those can go into tens of thousands for anyone, and that’s a different topic entirely past lives bring in you with the knowledge and intuition into this life. And your past lives do affect you a lot in your current reincarnation.

Your highest self and spiritual team can also be planning your future lives and the lessons to be learned there as well. So past lives are important because it helps shape the current life you’re living in today on earth. And one of my past lives is a ninth dimensional Andromedan, which is an ET being. And one of my higher aspects is a Seraphim being. I’ve had over 8,000 past lives in this universe. I’ve also had lives as an Arcturian, Pleidian, Lyran, positive and negative Reptilian.

And three of my past lives were on earth. They were as Anunnaki beings during the Mesopotamian and Sumerian civilization. And I was the Mesopotamian deity called Ninurta, and I was also Nimrod and King Gilgamesh. And I found out that I do have a dark shadow self, which is an ancient Archon being millions of years old, very old and very ancient. So that’s an overview of past lives. If you’re interested in a channel past life reading where I can tune into your energies and tell you exactly what your past lives are like in encyclopedia, then please book an appointment. And I hope I can help you with gaining knowledge and perspectives from past lives that it can affect you in your current life. Thank you.